The path runs from Bristol, R.I., to Providence, but we usually pick it up in Warren. Here's the map of where we went. This is my map -- just imagine Nik's going further north another 1.5 miles.
We left the dogs at home so we could practice running on a flat, fast path. Stanley and Myrna took it out on us later by knocking over a trash can and spreading garbage all over the back yard. No photos of that.
This has nothing to do with running: On the way there, we started talking about cassette tapes, which veered off into a random conversation wondering what people who break up with each other do, now that record collections and books are digital. I.e., didn't people get cardboard boxes and split up their stuff? "These Sheena Easton tapes are mine." "No, those three are yours. These two are mine." "Like hell they are!" "Stop trying to keep my stuff!" Et cetera. What do people do now that there are iPods? You don't even need to have that conversation. Same thing with books now too. "Take your Kindle and your thumb drive and get the hell out of here." Is that it? If you've been through this, let us know.
OH OH sun AND grass!!! I'm green with envy.
Weather looks great! It's been grey and rainy where I am. I like the run happy hat!
great job with the runs!
Yay for sunshine!!!
It was really nice here this weekend too but then this morning, snow!??! Not the sticking kind but still!
Have you guys been listening to Steve Runner lately? Man...he has become such a drama queen.
I miss Four Feet Running! I now just walk around being mopey all day.
Nik and Dan, yesterday was a very sad day for me. While I was walking/running 10 miles, I finally caved in and listened to the Episode #73, the final 4FeetRunning podcast.
Knowing it was the last episode, I had chosen to postpone the inevitable, but could wait no longer. This also marked the 1st time that I had ever listened during fitness, instead of while traveling in my car for work.
It was truly amazing how far your podcast had come from #1 to #73. The one thing that had not changed was your sense of humor and love for each other.
Like many, I feel like I have lost two close friends. Although we never met, we shared a brief moment in the time/space continuum while running the 2008 VT Marathon.
I'm glad you are still posting on the blog and of course love following your banter on Twitter.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being such a special part of my life during your 2 1/2 year run. You will be missed.
Good day sunshine!
Happy Spring! Listened to the podcast episode from 1 year ago this week on my run. You were battling bedbugs, Nik was prepping for a half marathon, and Dan was running strong. Thanks for the blog posts - and Dan Go Run!
- Don from Illinois
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