Saturday, December 4, 2010

Run Photo of the Day 12.4.10: One week left until Mojo Loco! -- and also here are some pictures of dogs

Did Nik & I ever mention that we're running the famous AND infamous Mojo Loco 50-mile relay in Florida? I don't think we did. Hey, guess what! Nik & I are going to run the Mojo Loco 50-mile relay in Florida! It happens in about one week. 

We're part of a 13-person crew of runners and support that will run from St. Augustine to Daytona Beach. It's a relay, so we'll be running about 3 miles at a time and maybe 10 or so miles total. Not a bad way to spend a day. 

Among the incredible folks who will be there: Adam "Zen Runner" Tinkoff, Steve "Phedippedations and I'm not sure if I spelled that correctly" Runner, Maddy "Gotta Run" Hubba, Ed "Marathon" Marathon, Chris "YTK" Russell, Marathon "Running Adventures" Chris, Samantha "Uff!" UF, "Just Norman" Norman, The Crazy "Not Actually Insane" Runner, Susan "the Stout-hearted" Stout, and fleeing to dark, wet, foggy Florida from the bright and sunny shores of England, Steve Chopper. Learn more about the Mojo Loco relay here. There's also a Facebook page. 

Keep an eye out for it -- I'm pretty sure Steve and Adam will be live-streaming as much of the event as possible with video and audio, so you can participate in the relay as well, without actually having to sit in a car with a dozen smelly runners. Although you could do that if you really wanted to and wrangled up some smelly runners of your own. 

Now here are some cute pictures of the dogs getting ready to go for a run.

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