Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Episode 37

It's the 7th anniversary of 4 Feet Running! Almost. This week:

- Nik and Dan celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary doing a 5-mile run with the dogs in Barrington, R.I.

- Nik continues her tapering on the way to the Vermont City Marathon

- Dan has sort of a lousy running week thanks to the rain

- They discuss the early days of their courtship, which had a Sharks & Jets type feel, politically, until it became Sharks & Sharks

- They talk about their future marathon travel plans, which may include Texas

- Nik & Dan meet a guy still bitter about World War II

- They get some coffee and kale soup and read some feedback from very nice people

Download this episode from iTunes, leave a comment or check us out on Podcast Alley, or give us a Digg. And feel free to call us, send us e-mail or leave a comment here!

Vermont City Marathon
Big Brown Truck Man
A Million Feet Running
The East Bay Bike Path

Here's a great video sent to us by Kristopher:



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New England Bites said...

Hey! Congrats on your anniversary. I hope you had a great one!

Laura :o)
New England Bites

Rachel said...

Hi Nik and Dan,

Just finally listened to this episode (I'm sure the next one is near finished cooking). I'm so excited that you are considering the Austin Marathon, Nik. I've been planning on that marathon for months and it'll be great to have another right-coaster in the middle of the ginormous state. I know that they say everything is bigger in Texas, but I hope that doesn't mean the hills!!!


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