Welcome to the 19th episode of 4 Feet Running, and Part 2 of the 2007 Philadelphia Marathon spectacular! It's an extra-special show packed with laughs, heartbreak, adventure, romance, and glory! This week:
- All of Nik's training pays off for the Philly Marathon
- Nik and Dan wait in line at the marathon expo for her race number, an orderly process that devolves into pandemonium in a matter of seconds
- They attend the marathon expo and gather a bunch of swag
- Nik and Dan try out the Sleep Number Bed, as seen on TV
- They collect their thoughts before the big run and get psyched up
- Nik is herded into a group of several thousand people running through downtown Philadelphia
- She sees many of them peeing on downtown Philadelphia's bushes, just right out in the open
- Nik's thorough post-race report includes moments of juggling, beer-drinking, and one furious runner having the "worst day" of his life
- They read feedback from some very nice people
- Short video coming soon (I hope)!
Stuff that's fun to click:
The Philadelphia Marathon
Look up someone's race results
The Phedippidations podcast
It's Yuengling time
The story of another athlete who did pretty well in Philadelphia
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Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

Sounds like you had a great time. Doesn't beer foam up when you are running?
Last year at the 5K race at the Around the Bay, some 13 year old girl started laying into me with the elbow. There was plenty of room, she must have thought it was roller derby. I slowed a little, and 50 yards down the road she started walking. When you are back where I am in the pack, you aren't fighting for a medal??????
BTW, no offense, but at the end of the podcast you sounded like ____.(You can fill in the blank)I hope you feel better.
Great job with the race Nik! You are my hero! Beer and racing, why didn't I think of that!!
If you're still looking for that next race - consider the the Half at the Hamptons (that's Hampton, NH) on Feb 10, 2008 - http://www.locorunning.com/hamptonhalf.php
Great work with the podcast Dan - all those hours of editing payed off. I hope you will keep with the weekly shows throughout the winter!!!
42at42: Thanks Marty- I did feel like "@!*#%$" Ya know, I had no idea I sounded so bad until I heard the podcast. I think I'm okay now, I guess the next podcast will tell...
btw, Beer goes down smooth and gloriously at mile 21! :)
Rebecca: Awww, thanks Rebecca! That sounds like a great next race- I'm so glad you told us about it! Actually, it's a few days after, Dan's 31st birthday, so it looks like it will be a nice weekend getaway for us.
Dan is so great at editing! He's such a trooper for listing to me breathe heavy and eat Clif Bloks for 2 hours. He's having waaaay to much fun playing with his vast music collect, so there should be plenty of future podcasts. :D
nic & dan
stalker luke here i was there i paced a lady who finished in 4:14 so we probaably saw each other somewhere on the out and back between knocking people over to get beer or brownies, im suprised you didnt see me :) although the beer was yuengling ( im a cheaper beer man myself ) anyway congrats on the run, i hope your recovering ok and keep on keeping on
Hey, great job at the marathon, Stalker Luke! That's an excellent time! Nik didn't say anything about brownies. I would've signed up to be a volunteer.
Also, that Yuengling stuff is pretty good -- we had a six-pack later. Nik's starting to feel better (or at least, she's sounding less congested).
I'm catching up with the podcasts. So, since I haven't seen it here yet, I must say I appreciated the Central Scrutinizer reference at 12:40. So it took 2.5 years, but it wasn't wasted.
Wow! Thanks, Verbivore! You should win some sort of prize for that. One of these days we'll get prizes... :D
Thanks for listening!
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