Monday, October 1, 2007

Episode 11

Welcome to 4 Feet Running, Episode 11! In this week's fun-filled episode:

- Nik and Dan hunt zombies in downtown Boston -- yes, zombies

- They find them, and they are rather a sorry lot

- Nik and Dan run for 30 minutes through the financial district, Faneuil Hall, and past South Station

- Dan reveals that he has skipped Week 8 and gone straight for Week 9's jugular

- Nik is still tremendously busy with work, which is putting a damper on her marathon training

- They discuss the various social habits and cultural biases facing people of the undead orientation

- Celebrity spottings aplenty, from world-famous composer John Williams to the guy from "Cheers" who played Carla's husband

- Nik and Dan read lots of e-mail from very nice people

Links mentioned in the show:

how the lurching undead stay organized
Andy's blog
Petra's blog
Brian's blog

Download us from the iTunes Store, leave a comment or check us out on Podcast Alley, or give us a Digg. And feel free to send us e-mail or leave a comment here!

Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

That cluster of kids on the right? Those are the zombies. Not all of them -- the one with the bottled water hadn't staggered out of the subway yet.

We ran through Boston's financial district. The fully eaten corncob was about a block up.

There was a lot of construction going on, as you know if you heard the show.

A great Native American band playing at Faneuil Hall.

The entrance to Boston's Chinatown.

Nik plays up her Chineseness by posing near a statue at the entrance to Chinatown.

This is the route we took through downtown Boston.


Anonymous said...

Just your stalker luke checking in, keep up the good work, and dan im way more interested in drinking than running philly maybe ill spot you and we can cheer on nic

Rebecca said...

Loved the show!
Dan, congrats on finishing the C25K plan! You Rock!
Nik, I feel your pain....fitting in those long runs is hard - even when you love to run! (I too love to run, but I love to sleep even more! Will that ever change!)

Nicole said...

Hey, Luke nice to s ee your still stalking! Dan, beer I'm sure he'll be there. :)

Rebecca, sleep is definitely inconvenient, though I love it so!
I'm very grumbly missing my long run. :(

Dan said...

Thanks for the comments, guys!

Rebecca: Thanks a lot for the encouragement. I've been using your balloon trick to get rid of side stitches and it works like a charm.

Luke: Definitely should go get a drink. That is, if you can put up with me quoting the Rocky movies for a few hours...

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